10 Effortless EFT Tapping Scripts for Personal Transformation$27

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  • 1x10 Effortless EFT Tapping Scripts for Personal Transformation$27

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What you get...
Upon purchase, you'll receive access to ten downloadable EFT Tapping scripts in MS Word format. Script titles are:

1 - Overcoming Anxiety: ‘I Feel Calm & Safe in MY Body’
2 - Instant Stress Buster
3 - Believing in Your Worth: Embrace the Power of ‘I Am Enough’
4 - Manifesting Your Desires: Embrace Your Worth & Deservingness
5 - Unleashing Your Inner Success: Unlock Your Full Potential & Achieve Your Goals
6 - Attracting Abundance: Cultivate a Wealth Mindset
7 - Unleashing Your Inner Confidence
8 - Clearing Negative Energy the Mind, Body & Soul
9 - Tapping Into Your Inner Brave & Cultivating Courage
10 - Releasing the Grip of Perfectionism: Tapping Your Way to Self-Acceptance & Inner Peace
